Happy birthday to me! Det vakre ved å laste opp mine tapre forsøk på å pull off en Alabama Whitman på bursdagen min er at (forhåpentligvis) vil ingen ha hjerte til å fortelle meg at jeg nok må legge modellkarrieren på hylla. Men kanskje, bare kanskje, vil noen ha hjerte til å synge denne sangen til meg. It would totally make my day! (og nei, jeg har ikke begynt å røyke):
Well, looking 'round the room, I can tell that you
Are the most beautiful girl in the room
In the whole wide room
And when you're on the street, depending on the street
I'll bet you are definitely in the top threeAre the most beautiful girl in the room
In the whole wide room
And when you're on the street, depending on the street
Good looking girls on the street
Depending on the street
It's 12:02, just me and you
And seven other dudes around you on the dance floor
I draw you near, let's get out of here
Let's get in a cab, I'll buy you a kebab
And I can't believe that I'm sharing
A kebab with the most beautiful girl
I have ever seen with a kebab, oh yeah, yeah
Oh, so beautiful
Well, you could be a part-time model
Well, you'd probably still have to keep your normal job
Part-time model
But I can see you at an auto show dancing on a car
Part-time model
Oh, you spending part of your time modeling
And part of your time next to me, next to me
And I suppose the rest of the time doing your normal job
I draw you near, let's get out of here
Let's get in a cab, I'll buy you a kebab
And I can't believe that I'm sharing
A kebab with the most beautiful girl
I have ever seen with a kebab, oh yeah, yeah
Oh, so beautiful
Well, you could be a part-time model
Well, you'd probably still have to keep your normal job
Part-time model
But I can see you at an auto show dancing on a car
Part-time model
Oh, you spending part of your time modeling
And part of your time next to me, next to me
And I suppose the rest of the time doing your normal job
Med en bedre fotograf kan du kanskje ha en fremtid som model. Jeg kan jo ta noen shots i sommer.
SvarSlettDenne kommentaren var den fineste bursdagsgaven ever, tusen takk! Det er så mye bedre enn jeg kunne håpet på. Og i og med at du faktisk skal bo hos oss i hele sommer vil du kunne følge meg overalt, så jeg er rimelig sikker på at vi skal få til noen virkelig bra photo shoots.
SvarSlettÅ, gøy, gøy, gøy!!! heheheh!! Utrolig bra med solbriller altså. I love you!